Sometimes, you just need to know someone else's story to help you write your own.
Stephanie's Story
I love my The Vluci Method program, I picked the strong women project-starter program and combined it with a personalized meal plan made by The Vluci Method and I’m seeing amazing results just after one month! The workouts are highly effective, flexible to your level of fitness, the equipment that you have available and to the time you have in your day/week. As for the meal plan, it was great to have a plan that is not highly restrictive, it is more about building new and healthier eating habits. Ive been working out 4 times a week using her programs and following the meal plan and I lost over 5 pounds in 3 weeks, about 1 inch and a half off my waist and most importantly, I just feel so much healthier! I also want to thank Vanessa for all her great advices and motivational support! I’ve started my month #2 yesterday and I can't wait to see the progress I will make during this month! :)

Vanessa's Story

France's Story

François's Story

Vanessa est une coach créative, exigeante, attentionnée et à l’écoute.
J’avais abandonné l’idée de perdre les kilos accumulés au cours des ans. Mes entraînements se concentraient principalement sur le cardio et l’endurance sans toutefois avoir aucun impact sur une perte poids que je souhaitais tellement. (Je comprenais mal la relation entre la nutrition et le type d’entraînement que je favorisais. J’étais pris dans un cercle vicieux.)
Par ses conseils judicieux et adaptés, Vanessa m’a permis de perdre plus de 15 kilos tout en travaillant mon corps à reprendre du tonus et de la flexibilité.
Ses encouragements lors de nos entraînements personnalisés m’ont permis de repousser mes limites et de maximiser mes efforts. (Ceci étant dit, elle faisait souvent la sourde oreille lorsque je me plaignais de certains exercices. Je suis reconnaissant qu’elle ne m’ait pas toujours écouté.)
Je suis très satisfait et reconnaissant de l’accompagnement que Vanessa m’a offert et la remercie chaleureusement pour la qualité de son coaching.
- Francois Tremblay
Josianne's Story

Les entraînements de La Méthode Vluci sont court/intense/complet/facile à faire à la maison avec un minimum d'équipement. En plus, elle est toujours là pour répondre à nos questions. Elle fait pleins de vidéos pour nous pousser encore plus loin et donner des résultats. No Pain No Gain VLuci Fitness trainings are short/intense/well rounded/easy to do at home with a minimum of equipment. She is always there to help you out and answer your questions. All her workouts are made to push your limits and get you results. No Pain No Gain!!! -Josianne
Hattan's Story

Anne-Marie's Story

Je ne sais pas par où commencer. Je connais Vanessa depuis bientôt trois ans. Elle m'a beaucoup aidé à me développer ces dernières années.
C'est la première fois que je faisais affaire avec une entraineure privée. Je ne voyais pas de ligne directrice d'une séance à l'autre et pourtant, je n'ai jamais eu des résultats aussi bons et ça faisait longtemps que je m'étais sentie aussi bien dans ma peau.
J'avais souvent des baisses d'énergie à l'entraînement. Elle m'a donc sensibilisé à l'importance d'une bonne nutrition. J'ai alors suivi son programme de nutrition et l'énergie est venue rapidement.
Après presqu'un an, nos chemins se sont séparés et elle est partie au MAA Club. J'ai alors repris du poids et perdu un peu de ma forme. J'ai repris contact avec elle en juin dernier et elle m'a accueilli à bras ouverts! Comme si on n'avait jamais rien interrompu.
Maintenant, elle me suit au niveau nutritif seulement et les résultats sont là! J'ai retrouvé mon poids santé en 3 mois, mon taux de gras santé et je me sens de nouveau bien dans ma peau.
J'ai appris à faire confiance sans questionner Vanessa! Elle a toujours pris mes objectifs à coeur, elle est toujours présente lorsque j'ai besoin d'aide ou que j'éprouve une difficulté. Ce que j'aime, c'est qu'elle ne fait pas faire un régime comme on les connait : Perte de poids en 15 jours seulement! Elle nous éduque plutôt dans la façon de bien s'alimenter sur le long terme, ce qui donne des résultats qui durent. Je ne me sens pas en carence d'énergie, au contraire et pourtant je mange moins.. Le secret est de manger mieux!
Vanessa est une coach avec de l'énergie à donner, attentionnée et à l'écoute. Elle prend le temps d'apprendre à te connaître pour savoir qu'est-ce qui va te faire accrocher à atteindre tes objectifs et les maintenir.
Son approche est adaptée d'une personne à l'autre. Elle prend en compte les réalités de chacun. Je la recommande à tout le monde! Elle sait ce qu'elle fait et où elle s'en va ! C'est la meilleure! -Anne-Marie
Linda's Story

Sonia's Story

Erica's Story

I reached out to Vanessa for a consultation after following her on Instagram for some time. I was at a place where I knew I needed guidance & coaching, especially after 18 months of pandemic stress.
I have just finished my online VFIT 180 6 months Weight Loss Program with her & I could not be happier with where I am at from a mindset, nutrition & fitness perspective. Vanessa is the most genuine & passionate trainer & person I have met. She absolutely loves what she does, her workouts are amazing and she teaches you how to move correctly & use your body effectively in each workout. Her nutrition guidance & knowledge is fantastic & her weekly recipes are delicious & creative. So happy to fit in all my jeans again!!
Marjolaine's Story

En août 2018, j’ai décidé de me lancer le défi de perdre 30 livres pour mes 30 ans. Je suis allée voir Vanessa afin de réaliser ce défi et de retrouver, par le fait même, le goût de m’entraîner. Le défi n’était pas simple puisque j’avais déjà échoué plusieurs fois en utilisant des méthodes différentes.
Vanessa a su écouter mes besoins (mes 5-7 et ma vie sociale), croire en mon objectif et me donner les outils nécessaires pour y arriver (plan alimentaire réaliste et entraînement stimulant).
Avec tous les efforts et les encouragements, j’y suis arrivée en juin 2019. Le plus important dans cette aventure, c’est qu’elle m’a redonné le goût de me dépasser et de me sentir bien dans ma peau.
Merci encore ! You’re the best!!! -Marjo
Manna's Story

“After giving birth to my 3 children close together (within 3 years), I gained about 15 lbs. I have always been pretty good at maintaining an exercising routine, and trying to eat well, but after having children, I felt that my body changed and I wasn’t losing weight as fast as I wanted to. Also, I was trying to “out work” my diet, saying that I can eat more rice or junk food because I worked out today, which was not helping.
Since I already had a good exercise habit, what I really needed guidance was with my diet. After the free consultation, I decided hire to Vanessa, because I felt that I needed a professional to help me set up a plan to lose the weight that I gained over the last 3-4 years.
I really liked Vanessa when I first met mainly because of her personal story and how she, herself, lost a lot of weight. This made me think that it was also possible for me to lose my goal weight within a given time frame.
She gave me menus to follow monthly and after about 6 months, I eliminated around 20 lbs and down 7% body fat and am looking to lose a few more. I realized and learned that your diet makes a huge difference in fat loss!
•Vanessa was always there when I had any questions about my menus. She has great food ideas and different options so that you don’t get bored of eating the same foods. I feel that I can keep up with my new eating habits and it has now become part of my lifestyle. Obviously it wasn’t easy at the beginning, but as I felt and and saw the results, it was motivating to keep it up!“
Linda's Story

Carolina's Story

Valeria's Story

Scott's Story

UP 30
Vanessa's Story

Amazing program, on the nutritional aspect as well as the work-out videos. Well-structured, fun, and most importantly you will notice results in just few weeks which is encouraging. Thanks to this efficient program, Ive made changes that will not only benefit me in the short run but especially in the long run. Thats the main focus of Vanessa’s mentality! She is exceptional at what she does: passionate, goal-driven and extremely available to answer any questions. No more excuses for me: everything is there to take care of my body and myself physically and mentally!
Roya's Story

Emilie's Story

Gabrielle's Story

Fabiola's Story

July 2020 was the moment that I realized that I needed help. I had been thinking about how I could get my life back on track and how I could make better choices but did not know where to start until I talked to a friend of mine who referred me to the Vluci method.
I am not gonna lie but at first, I was not only skeptical but afraid that Vanessa was going to change everything and was going to force me on a diet that I know was not going to follow. Instead, she did the opposite of what I thought a nutrition or fitness coach would do and just started to incorporate in my routine new things and give better options.
My goals were to start eating better because I, unfortunately, suffer from eczema but also find a way to get back on track since I know that the RCMP was coming soon. I needed to make better choices when it comes to food and fitness.
I was and am extremely hard on myself but what I love about Vanessa is the fact that she WILL make you feel COMFORTABLE and will go day by day without you feeling some type of pressure.
October 2021, is when I have decided to go full out and start my workouts with her as well. When I started, it was not beautiful to see and I was in so much pain. I would go home and feeling like crap because I knew that I wasn’t where I would want to be. She saw me in probably my worst and never judged me. Instead, she would keep pushing me. She kept on focusing on the little victories which gave me hope that I could it.
One thing that I need to point out is the fact that at the beginning of my workouts with her, I was not vaccinated. When she showed up in the cold to do the workouts in the park, I knew that I had made the right decision. I don’t know anybody that would’ve done something like that. She would kick my butt twice a week and we would have a nutrition day where she would give me tips and fun ideas about what to eat without feeling like I was on a diet. This girl got me on cottage cheese, and spinach and other kinds of stuff that I, now, eat but before would’ve never put that in my mouth.
I am writing this on January 2nd, 2021 while being in quarantine at Depot (RCMP Academy). Over the last few days, I have had my doubts and I would be in my head asking if I had made the right decision. One thing that I can say is that if I made it here it’s because of Vanessa and the support that she gave me throughout the last 6 months. She was like the guarding angel that I never had and I owe everything to her.
I said it before and I will say it again, do not be afraid to invest in yourself. Investing in yourself is probably the best thing that you could possibly do for yourself. If you don’t do it for yourself, ain’t nobody going to do it for you. Just like I did in July 2020, get yourself a Vluci that will push you no matter what and will see the best in you when you feel like crap. Get yourself a Vluci that will kick your butt but also take care of you and stop you from getting injured. Get yourself a Vluci that will make you cry and comfort you because you gave it all.
Getting my nutrition and workouts with her was the best decision that I took. I am and will be forever grateful for everything that she had done for me.
Thank you so so much Vanessa for everything,
François's Story

Coach Vanessa helped me understand the relationship between nutrition, exercise and health, my "Holy Trinity", and their impact on my body. I struggled most of my life to maintain a healthy weight. I trained too hard and hurt myself. I dieted and deprived my body from the nutrients it needed to function and gained back all the lost weight. I felt bloated and fatigued.
The Fuel 180 Program by The Vluci Method with my coach Vanessa, helped me strengthen my core so I can be more flexible and strong. I can now indulge in my sports and activities without suffering lower back pains which kept me on the sidelines after a demanding workout or tennis match.
With the Vluci Method and Vanessa's guidance and encouragement, I now enjoy a healthy lifestyle, have more energy to practice my favorite sports and activity and have the right mindset to a healthy and not bad looking body! :)
I highly recommend Vanessa and her method.
Vanessa is the best coach anyone could ask for. She is easy to talk to and tells it like it is! No BS!
She is a great motivator and helped me see my full fitness potential. The meal plan she provided was sensible and realistic to follow.
Knowing that she is always a text away to answer any of my concerns was definitely a plus because most coaches only give you their time on scheduled meetings.
Vanessa knows what she is doing, always paying attention to detail and very professional.
I highly recommend her to anyone looking to achieve any fitness goal or healthy lifestyle!
From day one, I sensed that she loves what she does and this in turn had a positive impact on me learning to live a healthy and stronger life!
Thank you Vanessa xo